To give students a piece of mathematical writing that is not their own to analyze, reflect on, and develop. The intent is to prompt student reflection with an incorrect or incomplete written argument, and for students to improve upon the written response by clarifying thinking, offering critique and then correcting the response. (Modeling Standard: Evaluate a partial or complete solution to a real-world situation) Prompt partners to Clarify what the author did, Critique the author's reasoning and Correct the response.
Consider this subitizing example:
This routine gives students mathematical writing to analyze and reflect upon as they develop their response. The intent is for students to improve upon a flawed written argument by clarifying meaning and developing their own thinking and communication skills.
This language routine is similar to "My Favorite No", however, the work that is utilized includes a written explanation of a solution.
As always we encourage you to contact your math coach for an opportunity to have this routine modeled in your classroom.