We all know that children learn best when they are engaged in Mathematics. What if I told you that you could transform your math block with dice? Let’s talk briefly about best practices and ways to improve your students’ math skills with this simple manipulative!
Research proves that students need repeated exposure to many types of manipulatives to help build the foundational skills needed to move along the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) continuum. If we want our students to become fluent in their basic facts, we must use varied models to build flexibility with numbers. This will help students become more efficient.
Below are some quick activities using dice for both primary and intermediate grades. These activities can be used during your WIN time or during small group instruction as either teacher led or independent work. Let’ start rolling!!
Dice Activities
Last, please remember to set the class expectations for use of your manipulatives.
Here are a few suggestions:
Use mats, when possible, to reduce the noise level and to define student workspace.
Have manipulatives in pre-assembled bags or containers for easy distribution.
Establish routines for distribution and collection of manipulatives.
Make an anchor chart for manipulative use for reminders.
Have fun introducing these activities to your students! Feel free to contact your Math Coach if you would like them to demo an activity for you!